POSFlow: Lets end manual data-entry!

How it works

So what exactly does it currently do? Lets take a detailed look.

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  • shape
  • shape
  • shape

What does POSFlow do?

POSFlow is the brain-child of the guys over at WebDev. It is a way by which you can finally sync your in-store POS data to your online-store automagically. Just think, no more updating stock levels or pricing, no more setting up specials on products to match the promotions your running in-store.

POSFlow does away with that and installs a virtual employee which lives to crunch data. It is periodically talking to both your online store and in-store POS system to ensure key product data is constantly being updated where a change has been detected.

We know what your thinking - won't this slow my in-store POS system down? the simple answer is no. We have fine-tuned each operation to maximise update flow whilst having minimal impact on in-store operations.

What information is collected from my in-store POS system?

The POSFlow unit relies on the in-store POS system to provide:

  • Stock Levels (SOH)
    This maintains accurate stock levels and minimises over-selling
  • Excl. GST Price
  • Recommended Retail Price (RRP) (where available)
  • Product Promotions
    Up-to-date promotions based on the same ones in-store
  • Product Name (optional)
  • Model / SKU Code
    Some providers allow for the model to updated, this can be reflected in your online store.
  • Dimensions (DIMS) (where available)
    Such as: Height, Width & Length. These are incredibly important if you have shipping modules installed on your website which derive freight costs from product dimensions and/or weight. * Currently not available for WooCommerce
  • Weight (where available)
  • Online Status (where available)
    Is the product available for sale on the website?

The moment any of the above elements of the product is changed in any way, it triggers a push of product data through to your online-store to keep it up-to-date with the latest information available.

How does it determine what products to sync?

The POSFlow unit derives its product sync list directly from your online store. This way, you completely control what products you want to sell. We've done this deliberately to place the control of the products back into your hands rather than blindly putting everything online.